Trademarks and Designs


Brands serve to differentiate one’s own products and services from those of competitors and also fulfill important functions with regard to recognition value, product and company image as well as remaining in the memory of the target group. Trademarks, which can appear as word creations, logos or even as design of the product itself, ideally represent a considerable value of a company.

If you are already in the development phase of a new brand idea, consultation and support by our competent brand experts is urgently recommended. They will be able to assess whether the developed brand concept can be protected as a trademark, whether there are already registered and obstructive trademarks and how good the chances are of enforcing the trademark against competitors and product pirates.

Our team then takes care of the application and registration of the trademark in the desired countries, if necessary, we will monitor the trademark with regard to emerging younger trademarks which could prove confusing and the enforcement of trademark rights against infringers.


Almost everything that has an aesthetic apparent to the human eye and is objectively tradable as a commodity can be protected by a design (older term: design patent), provided that the design is new and can be represented graphically.

Thus, design in the sense of industrial property protection is concerned with the external appearance of the product itself. This can be protected by filing and registering a design (in the USA: design patent) for a maximum period of 25 years. We will be happy to advise and support you regarding the possibilities of national and international design protection